Saturday, January 11, 2014

Coozie, Cozy, Tomatoe, Tomato

Whether or not you call it a coozie or a cozy it's all the same in the end-something to keep your beverage hot or cold and to prevent the glass from sweating. 

My cozies are made from toddler socks found in the dollar section at Target.  Toddler socks work great because they are small enough to stay up.   Of coarse they come in crazy colors and prints.  Once you start putting socks over your jars that you use as drinking glasses it's pretty hard to be inconspicuous so why not embrace it. I say go crazy. Plus they are inexpensive and I can get 2 or 4 for a dollar depending on how I make them. If one gets lost in the wash no biggie sock cozies don't have to be used in pairs.

Fist the 2 for a $1 Cozie

Step 1-Purchas a pair of socks you like!

 Step 2-Turn them inside out

Step 3-Dress up you glass (jar)

Step 4-Make it a double lining and fold it down
Step 5-Tuck the heal under and mismatch your socks!

Now the for 4 four a $1 cozie

Step1-cut up the sock like so....
Step 2 -dress up you glass!
Larger socks are a great way to make themed vases.  Cover a vase with scull and cross bones on Halloween and a heart sock on valentines day.  Think of it as linen for your jars and vases.  It's easier to have lots of linen to change your décor than lots of tables!  Plus it's fun and requires no sewing.  Just a trip to the sock aisle.
Take it One Prep at a Time,
Chef Jackie

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