Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring Cooking Series with Angelle Batten and Me!

This year I have had many family events that have taken priority in my life.  I am looking forward to posting more and sharing great recipes and prepping tips that I used during this crazy time in my life! and yes I did fall off the healthy eating wagon here and there but for the most part I am happy to say that being prepared was a God send during this very busy time in my life. 

Sometimes you find yourself places where you can't make your own meals so you just have to make the best choices from what is available.  I admit there were days all I wanted was coffee with cream but I soon realized during stressful times it is more important than ever to give my body the fuel it needs to keep going.  I am refuelling and trying new recipes with excitement.  I' m back on the wagon and in the drivers seat!

I will begin teaching again next week with Angelle Batten, family wellness coach.  Classes will be held in Brighton and we still have some spaces left.  Click here to see what our spring class series has to offer.

I look forward to sharing new recipes and tips very soon!

Taking it one prep at a time,
Chef Jackie

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