Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Candy Corn Pizza and Fox 2 TV

I was going to post this pizza sometime this week.  We actually made this last night so I could take pictures because I forgot to on Fox 2.  Well I forgot again and we just can't eat another pizza for the sake of pictures.  As luck would have it my sister posted it and the links to the Fox 2 cooking school.  She saved the day for me once again.  Thanks Kim!

Click here to see a picture of the pizza and the procedure to make it. 

Just after the recipe there are links to Fox 2 if you want to see me in action on TV with my mentor and friend Chef Kelli.  We still had an 80/20 food presentation but it was flip flopped.  80% sweets and about 20% real food.  It's Halloween sometimes you have to be a little scary and jump in head first to this sweet holiday.  Just remember to flop back!

Enjoy today and take it one prep at a time!
Chef Jackie

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